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Friday, March 8, 2019

Makaran Elections

Elections in Makara are a simple process and are decided by a simple totaling of votes. Whichever candidate has the most votes in their favor wins the election. There are no parties, officially, but people of like ideologies tend to stick together and support each other.

Who can vote?
There are no restrictions on who can vote according to race and gender. Instead, restrictions are placed on residences. Two individuals may vote per established Home of Record. Residences are left to decide who their two voters are

Common Houses represent fewer votes per capita. With only one out of every ten of the residents, decided by the common house administrators, being allowed to vote.

Royalty and Nobility are forbidden from voting or from endorsing/supporting political candidates. Instead, they have important duties during election time. In Makara, it is the Prince's job to oversee all elections to ensure there is no corruption or lying taking place.

What's a Home of Record?
Well, I'm glad you asked! An "H-O-R" as they're more commonly known, is a residence of any sort(House, Apartment, Hut, top floor of a bar) that has been officially recorded in the Census and Excise Office and has taxes paid on it every year. Those H-O-R's with unpaid taxes are not allowed to vote come election day.

How do they vote?
Citizens vote by having their vote recorded at the voting booths placed in the City Hall of their respective city. The votes are recorded and the names checked against the list of people in each HOR and, should discrepancies arise, the first two votes from any Residence are taken as the official votes and the rest thrown out.

Who tallies the votes?
The Prince's Office of Elections handles the collection and tallying of all the ballots. The Prince himself than announces the election winners one week after the initial vote was held.


  1. Replies
    1. The Mayor and city councilors are the major attractions of any election. But, just like in our elections, there are many less important positions being voted on as all.
